Tuesday, June 27, 2017

One for the Hillbuildies

 .. The footsoldiers of Plate Tectonics ..
( .. "..snoring away like Rip Van Winkel" .. )

Even if midplate earthquakes are far less frequent than those on plate boundaries, if they have continued for any length of time they should have shoved up some hills."   (Shawna Vogel, p.165, "Naked Earth - The New Geophysics, 1996.

"Uhh?  ... Should have shoved up some hills.." ???

Well, ..why not?  Stands to reason, ...doesn't it?  Mountains can't just suddenly 'appear', .. ready-built, as it were, can they? They have to get pushed up by colliding plates, ...moving across the surface of the planet at the rate of centimetres a year.

That at least is the litany handed down by the Church of Plate Tectonics:  "Plates collide, crumple the crust and push up mountains."   So it's logical that before there are mountains there must be hills first.  (You have to laugh, ..little hills, .. sprouting like cabbages all over the place, ...getting pushed up and growing into mountains. If erosion doesn't get them first that is, and rub them all back down flat again.  In which case they would never get to be mountains. )

But (according to Plate Tectonics) they *do* get to be mountains.  Big ones, ..  Like the Himalayas.   The problem for Plate Tectonics however is that nowhere on the planet can anyone point to hills that are growing into mountains.


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